Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Holidays!

With the new year just around the corner, we hope you and yours have been enjoying a festive holiday season and gearing up for an exciting 2011. As we look back at this current year, we feel grateful for how 2010 has been full of blessings and memorable moments. One of the most significant, of course, was our marriage, which brought this blog into being and is now six months old today. How about that?

We'd like to thank everyone for all the holiday cards that we've been receiving. It's great to hear from you and find out how you're doing. We haven't been so organized as to send out our own cards, but in a nod to the tradition, we did snap a few family photos to share with you. We all posed around the Christmas tree -- which is our very first!

George wishes there were more ornaments to make mischief with.
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Max smells holiday spirit. Is it edible?
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Peace and love from Alec and Natasha!