Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week #6

This week's post nearly foiled by a faulty camera cord...

Bringing back the Battle of the Veggies -- with a twist. This round, gai lan versus baby.

Jack looks like he smells a poopy diaper

Sarah, Jonathan, and young Amira stop by to hang with Jay

Looks like you're the one who needs a bath, Dad

Jay tickles Vivien's funny bone

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week #5

How the time flies...

Paul and Evelyn make the bread of a Wendy sandwich, with Jay playing the role of pickle  

Bath time with Mom and Grandma 

Until Dad puts that camera down, keep your hand right there, Mom!

Bath aftermath -- clean, cozy, and dry

Myra thinks Jay's okay (note the hand gesture)

This Wat team photo isn't baby related, but since March Madness is on, maybe you could say we're diaper dandies.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What's in a name?

On this day, Jay's great-grandfather and middle-namesake, Daniel Kikuo Ichinose, would have turned 100 years old.
Dan and his wife Katherine
Dan was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, the son of Japanese immigrants who came to labor in the sugar cane fields. He was the ninth of ten children, and grew up on a farm in Manoa Valley on land that is now owned by the University of Hawaii. He never advanced past the eighth grade, but he managed to have a long and successful career as an insurance salesmen, after having previously worked as a newspaper writer (at the Hawaii Hochi) and a jeweler (in business with his brother Eugene). He and his wife Katherine (Ishiko Yanagi) had four children, the eldest of whom, Ruby, is Jay's grandmother. He passed away in 2003.

Dan and Katherine at the beach
Dan was charismatic, sharp, bold, and tough. He had a great sense of humor, and excellent athletic ability -- he was an amateur boxer and a skilled golfer. He taught his grandson Alec how to swing a baseball bat, how to use a putter and a driver, and how to throw a punch.

Like many Japanese Americans of his generation, Dan chose his own English name. He decided on Daniel in emulation of Daniel Boone, the early American pioneer and adventurer. It is unclear why his parents named him Kikuo, but the root of that name, kiku, means chrysanthemum, and is associated with the Japanese Imperial family. The suffix, -o, is simply an indicator of male gender. This is what the name looks like written in characters:


Jay will of course never know his great-grandfather, but his family will do their best to impart him with a sense of who his middle-namesake was.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week #4

Another action-packed week...

Are Willie and Liza teaming up to adjust Jay's clothes, or are they just giving him a wedgie?

Coincidentally, Willie and Liza brought with them a beverage with part of Jay's middle name on it (the first of those three green characters is "kiku" in Japanese)

Jay gets up close and personal with Grandma Wendy

Contemplating the universe after a sponge bath

What's up, Grandpa Bob?

Lisa shares some wisdom on parenting

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week #3

In our latest weekly installment, Jay meets some more of his family members. How exciting!
Grandma Christine's shoulder is good for snoozing

Tatyana discovers the joy of aunt-hood

Grandpa Alan is a pro at this baby stuff

Do you like it when I read to you, Mom?

Grandparents summit

The admiration is mutual, Clark and Theresa!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week #2

Another week gone by. Just trying to savor it all.

Blogging makes Jay sleepy


Kicking it in the kitchen with Elizabeth

In a reversal of roles, Jay tickles Erin's chin

Mina and Steve drop by to say hello

Someone seems dubious about the moby wrap.

Spending a little quality time with Michelle