Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week #28

Cutes McGoots, Droolsy Droolskins, and Chubster Bubster

Roomie Reunion -- Jessie and Emma in the house

Naked is the way to be

Jay gets romantic with Vivien


When I squeeze you, you make noise

One-person Peek-A-Boo

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week #27

Making Mom's dreams come true

Snug as a bug in a rug

Mystery photo... what's Jay doing?

Does a different angle make it any little clearer?

If you guessed swinging, pat yourself on the back

Eating: it's all in the tongue

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week #26

Half way there

Ummm... where are we going?

Practicing for the big moment

Having second thoughts about this solid food stuff

Celebrating six months with a first taste of rice cereal

Full kiss for a half birthday from Grandma

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Week #25

Babies of L.A.

Izakaya action with Juanita and Teo at Honda-Ya in Little Tokyo

Fancy meeting you here -- Jenny and Nora on the plane back to Oakland

Giving new meaning to the term "light-footed"

Tickle lion attacks!

All eyes on Max

Last weekend, the Ichinose family gathered in Los Angeles for our beloved Austin's one-year memorial service, or isshuki. Dan passed out some wonderfully moving photos, and in celebration of Austin's memory, here are a few.

Austin and Hale book-ended by the twins (and no, we don't know which is Dan and which is Trav)

731 is the place to be!

Another epic mah jong game with the cousins -- known to last more than five hours!

Hang loose, everyone!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Week #24

Back to work!

Aloha, Nolan and Dan

Sloane hasn't learned the old adage about friends and noses yet

Goodnight, Grandpa, see you again soon

Gimme that tail

I don't know if I trust that chard...

What am I supposed to do with this?