Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week #32

Go ahead, squeeze the charmin'

Where's Jay?

There's Jay!

Clark doesn't mind a little heavy lifting

That's Mr. McGoots to you

 NBA-caliber hops, right?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week #31

L'shana Tova!

Sophia Siebert Birthday Bash

Who said frogs aren't cuddly?

Ringing in the Jewish New Year with backyard apples and improvised rodancha

Grandpa takes the ergo for a spin

Experimenting with the 'do

After work, Elizabeth decompresses the Jay way

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week #30

I do, I do!

It takes great concentration to feed a skeptical baby

Let Uncle Peter give you some style tips

Is Astro more excited to get married, or to take a picture with Jay?

Steven gives Jay advice for his wedding day

I dunno, I think the bachelor lifestyle might suit me best

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week #29

Mayor of Poop Town

Not a care in the world

Grandparent double duty - babysitting and cat-sitting

You wouldn't know it from his beautiful smile, but Max has punk rock sensibilities

Mom, have you ever considered becoming a chiropractor?

Grandma soaks in the cuteness

BONUS CONTENT: Pickle Press Time!

A newly purchased pickle press from Umami Mart gets ready for its inaugural run. On deck: one backyard cucumber, garlic powder, ginger, salt, and dashi. Let's make some tsukemono!

The cucumber and ginger get sliced up and stacked inside the press, with spices sprinkled on top. Then they feel the pressure of the press, and the chill of the fridge.

After almost two days, these cukes have expelled a lot of water and look ready to eat.

Itadakimasu! After making the first batch, the chef learned his grandma used to have a pickle press. Gotta get some tips for next time...