Thursday, December 26, 2013

Week #97

Want to open

Artists at work

Got a prime location right here

Neri Christmas!

The Harringtons return to Harrison Street

The anticipation is the best part

Safe travels home, Santa

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week #96

What a beautiful loader!

Dump truck, socks, and diaper -- what else do I really need?

Mix Master Max

The kids do all the work while the grownups just joke around

Too distracted by the Christmas lights to focus on the camera

First-ever swim went swimmingly

I'll grow into them

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week #95

Mom always makes me happy

This hiding place has a key weakness






And voilà -- Jay's first Christmas ornament!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week #94

Peace, man!

Sheila has that new mom glow

Welcome to the world, Lucas!


Cultural traditions sure are chewy

Wat-sponsored mochi madness

Put me under the Christmas tree

My dad is old

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Week #93

Thank you trains

Maya showing promise as a dentist

Unicorn or goose?

Dale, dale, dale!

Feasting like kings

Firefighters like to unwind by taking selfies

Shin, Shin, put one in!

I may look a little young to be lighting a menorah, but don't worry -- I'm a veteran firefighter

Contemplating vegetarianism


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week #92

Maybe Dad can cook the tofu...

Happy first birthday, Elijah!

Vivien lights up my life

Three amigos

Inspecting the new magnolia tree

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week #91

Sweet potato car

Cylindrical meat challenge

This stuff works wonders

Backyard bounty

Cat sitting

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week #90

Dad read on the this page

Reenacting Halloween for Elizabeth

Go Blue!

Where's Mom?

Pass the Kleenex...

...gotta yucky nose

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week #89

No little fireman, just costume

Driving around with Lenin

 Out to sea with Liam

Dueling cameras

Teacher buddy reading

Neighbor buddy reading

Teaching fire safety to princesses and ninjas

Kindergarten witch buddy reading

Uh, Mom, shouldn't we be doing something about this?

Driving a fire engine is harder than it looks

The family that fights fires together, stays together

This one's going to be a tight fit...

Throw on the sirens, Mom, we gotta roll

We shall embark upon an epic journey... search of mythical treasure