Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week #50


Buddy reading

Solo reading

The Oakland Zoo made a big first impression on Jay

Catching a carseat nap

Trying to sneak up on me, Emi?

Let's see if I can pinch an inch, Mom

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week #49

Nose marathon

On the mend

Hot pot hijinks at Henry and Katy's

Domo-kun, your head is so soft and fuzzy

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Week #48

Children's Tylenol, anyone?

Alright Samantha, you ready for our arctic expedition?

(Nearly) Naked Cowboy

Starve a cold, feed a fever? Or starve a fever, feed a cold? Too sick to care.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week #47

Snip snip!

These locks of mine are getting totally unmanageable

Much better... and way fabulous

I take my nanners straight, no formula

Jay tries eating with chopsticks for the first time

Wait, how are you supposed to hold these things again?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week #46


Jay's jazzed about learning to walk

Getting in more quality snuggling with Rachel

You're a riot, Aunty T!

Looking to assure a healthy 2013 with a little New Year's Eve soba

Who wants to play with those blocks more, Jay or Aunty Audrey?

Sharing a special moment with Aunty Nerissa


Nom noming the namasu

Evan and Jay demonstrate the no-look hug