Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week #54

Party time!

Checking to make sure the beer's cold

Elizabeth and Vincent kick off the action as the first official guests

Are all these cupcakes for me?!?

Connor and Jay practice reading, making peculiar faces

Samantha and Gray hug (tackle?) the birthday boy

Why are all you people singing right now?

Riley waits patiently as Jay deliberates about his wish

Mmmmm... refined sugar

We should do this every year

So Brenda and Mualimu... where's the after-party?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week #53

Step it up

Happy Birthday to me!

Celebrating out in the backyard

Birthday snuggles with Riley

Hey Maggie, no birthday snuggles?

Jay takes a much needed rest after his very first steps

Cats like it much better when you play with them, instead of tugging on their tails

When the paparazzi catch you with your clothes off, it's time to run

Or, you can just give the people what they want

Tutu and Grandpa might be having too much fun

Jay began walking on his birthday, but this recording, taken a few days later, is the first video evidence

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week #52

 Ladies man

Stop trippin' Paul, I'm trying to watch the Warriors game

A great smile starts with good dental hygiene

I don't know, Megumi, adults sure do weird stuff

Bartender! A couple of Shirley Temples for me and my girl Jasmine


Want to play with my new bath toy?

Say hey there

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Week #51

Who's up for sardines?

A San Mateo visit to see Rachel and Oliver

I think I definitely got an inch here


Sorry Dad, the numbers just don't add up