Thursday, November 28, 2013

Week #93

Thank you trains

Maya showing promise as a dentist

Unicorn or goose?

Dale, dale, dale!

Feasting like kings

Firefighters like to unwind by taking selfies

Shin, Shin, put one in!

I may look a little young to be lighting a menorah, but don't worry -- I'm a veteran firefighter

Contemplating vegetarianism


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week #92

Maybe Dad can cook the tofu...

Happy first birthday, Elijah!

Vivien lights up my life

Three amigos

Inspecting the new magnolia tree

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week #91

Sweet potato car

Cylindrical meat challenge

This stuff works wonders

Backyard bounty

Cat sitting

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week #90

Dad read on the this page

Reenacting Halloween for Elizabeth

Go Blue!

Where's Mom?

Pass the Kleenex...

...gotta yucky nose