Thursday, December 26, 2013

Week #97

Want to open

Artists at work

Got a prime location right here

Neri Christmas!

The Harringtons return to Harrison Street

The anticipation is the best part

Safe travels home, Santa

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week #96

What a beautiful loader!

Dump truck, socks, and diaper -- what else do I really need?

Mix Master Max

The kids do all the work while the grownups just joke around

Too distracted by the Christmas lights to focus on the camera

First-ever swim went swimmingly

I'll grow into them

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week #95

Mom always makes me happy

This hiding place has a key weakness






And voilĂ  -- Jay's first Christmas ornament!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week #94

Peace, man!

Sheila has that new mom glow

Welcome to the world, Lucas!


Cultural traditions sure are chewy

Wat-sponsored mochi madness

Put me under the Christmas tree

My dad is old