Thursday, March 27, 2014

Week #110

"Does Mom love cool Jay?" (LL Cool J)
"Poop is not a vegetable."
"Please laugh, Dad."

How Dad learned balsamic vinegar contains sugar

Thumbs up!

Thumbs down!

This gesture had significance at the time... but both my parents forgot what it was.

Hoping for a bumper crop

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week #109

"My mouth is full so I can't talk."
"I think Lion's my snuggle-buggle-boo because he's furry."
"Is Dad writing your good job words?"
"...Q R S, W P..."

The driver on the bus says, "Move on back, move on back, move on back!"

Where would you like me to take you, Tutu?

You mean I need a license to drive this?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Week #108

"Mom ate the smiley grapefruit. It's all gone."
"I think I am going to make a whole family at the bedtime. Mom and me and you."

Top of the world

Nothing beats a train ride

A replacement after Mom's brutal grapefruitcide

Trying to eat here, Dad

Just chill, people

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Week #107

"I'm going to clean my boogers."
"I need to shave it." (radish beard)
"I am going to put you in the toaster."
"Uno Jay butt."

Going to sell this one to SFMOMA

N is for nude

Jimmy gets a welcome back tickle time

Time to get out, fireman guy
My trainer has me on a heavy regimen of pull-ups