Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week #114

"I did a great job pooping."
"Please scratch your beard about it."
"Talk about that saddy sad sad."
"It looks like a raisin." (take a wild guess)
"Please don't talk about Pooh Bear."

Comparing notes on chair-sitting techniques

Should I really eat this work of art?

Emphatically defying Passover dietary restrictions with a slice of bread

Foley family fun

That's a full belly

Watching Dad chuck up bricks makes for a gripping fan experience

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Week #113

"I tried to pee, but I cried a little bit."
"But I peed in my pants but Mom said 'uh-oh!'"
"What letter is for poop?"

Parent teacher conference

Pants constrain my artistic creativity

Like I said

Going to scrape the sky with this one

This could take a while -- maybe I'll use the time to brush up on current events

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Week #112

"Dad is number one and Thomas is number one. Two things are number one."
"Oakland is a pretty place to live in."
"Sorry, it's stinky. Please write that down."
"Is it upside up?"

Orange splendor

All the cool fire chiefs wear their hats backwards

What are you talking about? I can see just fine.

Your turn, Dad

Bunny rabbits are very serious animals

Pre-bath giddies

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Week #111

"Is Max Cat made out of wood?"
"But Dad likes his bread loud?"
"That made me funny."

Having outsized fun at Fairyland

The Kern Family demonstrates superior camera attentiveness

Showing Amy the benefits of a good Lion squeeze

Big Wheeling