Thursday, August 28, 2014

Week #132

"Would you like to chase as a family?"
"We're playing on the floor, not the couch."
"Milk doesn't really help me with spices ... Water helps me. Please write that down, too."

Accidental soul patch (reprise)

Jay had the rookies fill in on photo duties for Wat championship #3

Funny face off

Family art project or police lineup?

You can't fail at Rudy's

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week #131

"So, sometimes when I'm at night, I pretend that my bedroom is an Amtrak train."
"Let's take Jay to the noodle festival."

A plum view

All aboard!

Hey kid -- open this window so I can crawl to freedom

Tomatoes times three

Cable car selfie with driver photobomb

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Week #130

"It's okay, George, Mom will come back."
"Now we're going to see the real Dad." (after talking to him on the phone)
"I had a wonderful day."

Where's Grandpa?

Precious cargo arrives at the Port of Oakland

Busy day at the rail yard

Swing salute


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Week #129

"If the moon landed on the ground then I would snuggle it."

The shirt says "Buzz Off" but the face says otherwise

Tending to Tutu's garden

Babysitting postgame

Horizontal hangout

Gauging pop-ability