Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week #154

"It's just a pretend imagination."


Catch this!

Lion portraiture

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week #153

"I'll do anything you want, Mom."
"We should Google how to make trains with origami."
"No, I want a different story, like a kids' story."

That's a whole lot of pop potential


Pretzel bee

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week #152

"Go away, hot."
"It's okay, I can carry it. I'm a strong guy."
"Probably 11 is going to be the time you can't carry me."

Construction site

Is that Play-Doh or Work-Doh?

Delightful storytelling, Grandpa

Gobble gobble gyoza

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Week #151

"Have you heard of feet food?"
"It's like the raisins are underground. And the bananas are up high."

Farmers market fam

NFL play-by-play: "That guy fell down!" (with maniacal laughter)

Aquatic Park sunset

Reading railroad

Bubbles for the belly

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Week #150

"You're not supposed to say 'no' in the phone when you're calling AC Transit."

What wonders await inside?

She doesn't bite, right?


Upper deck is where it's at

Sushi-making tutorial

Mochi inspector

This is all I get?

Goofster getting goofy