Thursday, November 26, 2015

Week #197

"I think Christmas is better."

Best coach ever

Don't let the fancy sweater fool you

Dentist Audrey

I declare thanks

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week #196

"Dad, it seems to be the case that Mom and me are the good players."
"I feel like shes don't look good with mustaches."

Sign of the coming apocalypse: Jay wearing a shirt that is not orange or yellow

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week #195

"Salsa makes my tongue spicy."


Aaaannnd goodnight

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week #194

"My sweet tooth is this one -- the biggest one."

Princesses make lions nervous?

The king of the jungle flies in style, and with an entourage

Have you ever seen such a big spider?

Soaring by the tree tops

Trick or treating with the big kids

Post-Halloween decompression

You're no match for me, Dad