Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Registry Question

Hi all,
Long time, no blog. The days have a way of slipping by, huh?
We've had quite a few inquiries about where we are registered. Initially, we had decided not to go the registry route -- your presence at our ceremony is the best gift we could ask for. With so many people recommending that we do a registry, however, we've started to wonder if we shouldn't set one up.
Since it's getting pretty close to the big day, we thought we'd propose this simple idea: if you would really like to give a gift, perhaps a small gift certificate is the way to go. With the new house, we've been spending a lot of time at Home Depot lately, and expect to be making a few trips to Bed, Bath & Beyond, so those two outlets are safe bets. And if you already bought a gift, or had your eye on something else entirely, that's totally cool too.
You also can't go wrong showing up with only a smile and a couple hugs. Please know that what will make us most happy is to see you on June 26!

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