Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jay's First Week

On Thursday, February 16 at 6:11 in the morning, our son, Jay Kikuo MacDonald, was born. He weighed seven pounds, seven ounces and measured 20 inches. He turned one week old today, and it's been quite a blissful life thus far. Here's a look...

On the scale in the delivery room, shortly after joining this world

Mom holds Jay -- a just reward for nearly 17 hours of labor

Bonding with Grandma

Baby burrito

Jay visits with Colleen and Riley

Hanging out with Paul

Kicking back in the bedroom

Max snuggles up alongside his new brother

Melanie finds love at first sight

Joanie, in town from Chicago, helps remind Jay of his Midwestern roots

 Such a wondrous time... Happy one-week birthday, Jay!

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