Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week #8

This installment with bonus footage...

Hey Mom, is this alligator trying to keep me warm, or just hoping to eat me? 

This is so easy, Jillian can do it with her eyes closed

Just like holding a rugby ball, right Steph?

Melanie back for more Jay time

Amateur hour ventriloquism

Not baby related, but Cousin Dan (who shares Jay's middle name!) recently passed this little treasure along. Filmed exactly two years ago to the date of this post, Al and Cousin Austin demonstrate the "Ichinose Handshake" that they invented while in Hawaii for Grandma's one-year memorial service. Learn it well, Jay -- this is your heritage.

And finally, this is not baby related either, but we would be remiss if we didn't make mention of the fact that, on Easter Sunday, after five and a half long years of chucking up bricks and racking up losses, Al and Cousin Henry's rec basketball team, What Would Wat Do? seized its very first championship in the local Dream League. The long wait -- at least a dozen seasons -- made the victory all the sweeter!

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