Thursday, June 21, 2012

Weeks #17 and #18

A time for toe-grabs (just not for the cameras)

The cousins team up for a little childcare

At Esquilo and Acao's wedding, where the groom and his son have bigger things on their mind than where the camera is

Go Beavers!

Sitting down to a delicious empanada dinner at Aunty T's

Jean-Lou Chameau's backyard seems like a good spot for a photo op

The family's excited for Tatyana's graduation ceremony

It's hard to stay humble when you're this accomplished... Fun fact: while we were at the Burbank airport (where this photo was taken), so was Gene Simmons of the rock band Kiss. The woman with Gene came over and made small talk, commenting on how cute Jay was. Gene wasn't as interested, choosing instead to peruse a nearby gift shop. Fun fact #2: Gene Simmons and Jay MacDonald are both of Hungarian ancestry, and Gene grew up in Queens, New York, just like Jay's namesake, Grandpa Alan. We kind of hope the similarities end there.

You mean to tell me there's no in-flight movie?!?

They make the hot dogs as big as your head at the Buddhist Church of Oakland's Nikkoland Bazaar

Happy Father's Day!

Jota encanta besos

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