Monday, April 18, 2011

Hanami in Oakland

A few months ago, Aunt Audrey bought us a cherry blossom tree. Uncle Mike and Cousin Jimmy came by and planted it in the corner of our backyard. Early indications didn't seem promising for any flowers in its debut year, but lo and behold:

We were very excited that our little tree decided to strut its stuff for us. The cherry blossom season lasts for just a brief span in April, so we have to enjoy it while it lasts.

In Japan, this time is so special that people organize cherry blossom viewing parties around it. Basically, you just get together with a bunch of friends, sit under the trees, and drink sake. This is called "hanami," or flower (hana) viewing (mi). Right about now is when the trees bloom in Northern Japan, but of course the mood there isn't so conducive to celebration.

The people who suffered through the tsunami, earthquake, and nuclear disaster remain in our thoughts. Our hearts go out to them as they attempt to rebuild their lives.

1 comment:

  1. Al and Natasha, hooray! The tree took and the blossoms are beautiful! I was going to ask you about the tree after seeing a couple of Akebono blooming on Shattuck. They seem to be late bloomers, though not as late as the double petalled darker pink that seem to be at its peak right now. Enjoyed all the items in your blog. You might enjoy writing about the Oakland woman who was in the news recently. The city was about to penalize her for selling the surplus produce from her reclaimed West Oakland urban plot. They should have given her a medal. I maybe should have emailed instead of posting this comment. Just wanted to try it out. Super pictures! Audrey
