Monday, March 28, 2011

Battle of the Veggies Round 2

We did a little bragging last month about how our homegrown kale stacks up against the kale that comes in our CSA box. This month, we compare radishes.

Full Belly Farm's are on the left, ours on the right. That's a quarter at the bottom, and in the middle is another one of ours from a batch that interestingly enough was planted a month or two before the bigger ones. Not sure why its growth was stunted. Weather, maybe?

We can't really claim victory this time around, since this picture represents half our harvest -- we barely planted any radishes this winter, just kind of experimented. These turned out pretty well, though, so maybe we'll up the ante next year.

We have a new planter box to play around with for such possibilities. Built off the model of the one that Liza and Willie made for us, it stands beside that one now as a kind of baby sister:

It's made out of a 10-foot plank of wood and a fence post that we found just laying in the backyard. There's already spinach, tomatoes, and onions poking their little heads out of that dirt. We'll keep you posted on how things go.

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